food, lifestyle

claudia Reds & the Middle Eastern cuisine

A Middle Eastern Feast di Claudia Roden l’ho scoperto casualmente assecondando la mia passione per la cucina, da li poi una ricerca e la scoperta di una donna affascinante.

Claudia Roden è una scrittrice di libri di cucina e antropologa culturale, Born in Cairo in 1936 from an influential Jewish family who moved to Egypt from Syria. At fifteen she was sent to study in Paris and at eighteen she landed in London to study art. In 1956 because of the Suez crisis his parents joined her in London and since then never return to their homeland. Accidentally became an author of cookbooks in the Middle East *. Today is co-director of’Oxford Sympoisum on Food and Cookery un importantissimo convegno annuale inglese a tema gastronomico. Su di leiThe Guardian. Scrittrice anche di un libro sulle ricette tradizionali di cibo Italiano “The food of Italy”. Which a spacious story.

Claudia Roden ha rivoluzionato l’osservazione del mondo occidentale verso la cucina del Medio Oriente.

A Middle Eastern FeastClaudia-Roden-shot-for-OF-008

Ricette da gustare senza fretta.

Da A Middle Eastern Feast di Claudia Roden:

the “Mezzo are one of the most amazing features of Middle Eastern food – anche perché sono destinate ad essere gustate senza fretta – rather they are almost a way of life. From the coffee from the Nile to the mountain resort in Lebanon and aristocratic villas in Morocco and Persia, savoring half with an ouzo, a beer, a syrup or coffee can be a delight approaching ecstasy, sensual part, part mystical. The pleasure of savoring the small pieces of food is accompanied by feelings of peace and serenity, and, at times, with deep meditation “.

A dish to try:

Slices of eggplant with pomegranate seeds, E salsa tahini yogurt

The dressing of pomegranate and vinegar gives slices of eggplant a bittersweet taste,  sono sa servire calde o fredde, with a topping of yogurt and Thaini at room temperature.


4 eggplant
1 Pomegranate
1+1/2 tablespoon pomegranate molasses
1+1/2 tablespoon wine vinegar
500g of natural greek yogurt
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons tahini
extra virgin olive oil
50g pine nuts

Cut the eggplant in half lengthwise. Put them on a sheet of oiled foil on a baking sheet. Brush both sides of the two halves with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle lightly with salt. Put in a very hot oven, preheated to 240 ° C until soft golden on both sides. Arrange on a serving plate. Mix a pç of pomegranate molasses in the vinegar and 2 tablespoons oil,  and brush the eggplant with this dressing. Beat the yogurt with the garlic and tahin and pour over the slices. Toast the pine nuts in 1/2 tablespoons oil until lightly colored. Sprinkle yogurt and pomegranate seeds.

melenzane melograno yogurt thaini #2

*Middle East where they meet 3 continents Southeastern Europe (Turkey),  Africa nord-orientale (Egypt) and southwest Asia (Iran), peoples Arabs, persiani e turchi sono i maggiori gruppi etnici poi curdi, azeri, Baked, Jews, Aram, maroniti, Circassians, somali, Armenia, Druze and other ethnic and religions Cristianesimo, Judaism and Islam.

Book on AmazonMiddle Eastern Feast

[Credits: Claudia Roden shot for OFM at her home in north London Photograph: Pal Hansen | Parischromie]

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